"Ready" GCH CH TullyBloom's Covert Commander Chaos CGC X
GCH CH TullyBloom's Cool Cover Girl (click on the photo for
Ready's pedigree with links)
Ready loves the camera and is always ready to "strike
a pose." Ready showed she was ready to win her first time in
the ring at exactly six months of age during the Lone Star State Classic Dog Shows in Dallas July 4-7, 2013: On
July 4, Ready was Winners Bitch from the Bred-by class for her first points at the North Texas Terrier Club show under Breeder/Judge
Patty Keenan, and was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for her first major win on Sunday (July 7) at the Trinity Valley
Kennel Club show under Judge Clay Coady. Ready earned a Reserve major win along with
a four-point major at the Cottonland Cluster of dog shows in Monroe, Louisiana during Labor Day weekend 2013. At
9 months of age, Ready then flew with Paula to the West Highland White Terrier Club of America show in Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania, on October 6, 2013, where she won the large, competitive Bred-by-Exhibitor class under Judge Kathleen Grosso.
Ready then completed her CH requirements with a three-point major by taking Winners Bitch from the Bred-by Exhibitor class
at the Stephenville KC of Texas show on Thursday, October 16, 2014, under Judge Wendy Maisey. Ready earned her first Grand Champion major by going Select Bitch at the Stephenville KC of Texas show on Friday,
October 17, 2014, under Judge Gale Young, then repeated that performance at the Bell County KC show on Sunday, October 19,
2014, under Judge Annemarie Moore (both wins included defeats of another CH). Ready's next Select Bitch wins were under
Judges Richard William Powell and Janie Bosek the weekend of the Cypress Creek Kennel Club shows on November 8 and 9, 2014.
Ready came away with Best of Breed wins at the Brazoria Kennel Club shows on November 15 and 16, 2014, under Judges Betsy
Dale and Julie Felten, then earned more Grand Champion points with Best Opposite wins on April 11 and 12, 2015, at the
Austin Kennel Club shows under Judges Charles Trotter and Anne Barlow, and again on April 25 and 26, 2015 at the Baytown Kennel
Club shows under Judges Beth Sweigart and Peter Green. Ready was ready for a big
finish to earn her Grand Champion title by taking on the huge competition at the Houston World Series of Dog Shows.
Ready was shown three of the five days. On Thursday, July 16, 2015, at the West Highland White Terrier Club specialty
show held in conjunction with the Houston Kennel Club show, with an entry of more than fifty Westies, including twenty-five
specials, Ready received an Award of Merit under Breeder Judge Tom Barrie. Then, on the biggest day of the weekend, Saturday,
at the West Highland White Terrier Club of America's National Specialty show, Ready received Select Bitch honors and her new
Grand Champion title with a five-point GCH major under Judge Clay Coady. New GCH CH TullyBloom's Camera Ready then wrapped
up the weekend with another Select Bitch GCH major win on Sunday at the Gavleston County KC show under Judge Dr. Thomas Lee
Hossfeld. Along the way, Ready showed a natural coursing ability, and each time we were able to get her into a Coursing
Ability Test, she picked up a leg toward her CA title. Ready's third time and third leg for her title were on October
29, 2016, making her GCH CH TullyBloom's Camera Ready, CA.
Paula Christie Cohen and Charles S. Cohen
Paula Christie Cohen and Charles S. Cohen*
9.75 inches (not measured with an official AKC wicket)
Good (26 mos.), OFA # WH-339G26F-VPI
Normal (26 mos.), OFA # WH-LP105/26F-VPI
Normal (26 mos.), OFA # WH-PA408/26F/P-VPI
Normal/Unaffected, OFA # WH-EYE-11829F-VPI**
*Ready is now (2018) owned and loved by Patrice and
Rob in Knoxville, Tennessee.
**Go to www.offa.org for more information,
including breeder option codes.
Ready is pictured
with her littermates (Chase and Calee) at about 4.5 weeks of age
Ready with Judge
Patty Keenan; first day in the ring, first points earned (July 4, 2013 - Dallas, Texas)
Ready is pictured
following her first major win her first weekend out (at six months) with thanks to Judge Clay Coady
Ready's official
show photo of her first major, Dallas July 2013, wth Judge Clay Coady
Ready receiving
an Award of Merit at the WHWTCSET Specialty show under Breeder Judge Tom Barrie (July 2015)
New GCH TullyBloom's
Camera Ready, earning her GCH ttile with a 5-point Select GCH Major at the WHWTCA National Roving Specialty under Judge Clay
Coady (July 2015)
Ready earning
another Select Bitch major during the WHWTCA Roving National weekend in Houston, Texas, under Judge Dr. Thomas Lee
Hossfeld (July 2015)